The CREATE-X MAKE element consists of a set of research and prototyping programs that enable students to overcome technology barriers that might lie in the way of them launching a successful venture. The programs provide students prototyping grants, mentorship, and curricular credit as they create intellectual property and build prototypes toward their venture idea.

Idea to Prototype
Idea to Prototype (I2P) is both an undergraduate and graduate experience where teams have the opportunity to advance their invention idea towards a real product.

CREATE-X Capstone
CREATE-X Capstone is an undergraduate senior design course where interdisciplinary teams of students work on their startup product idea while receiving senior design credit.
"The CREATE-X MAKE program helps you concentrate and multiply your invention efforts. With a team of your peers, the MAKE courses such as Idea to Prototype and Capstone provide the infrastructure — including mentorship, money, and course credit — to help you develop a working prototype of your invention idea."
Craig Forest
Associate Director, MAKE